The latest news from HQ

We’re building the best way for your whole organization to respond, review and learn from incidents. This is where we talk about how and why.


A tough day for incident responders: lessons from the CrowdStrike update

Today marks a particularly challenging day for incident responders across the globe. As many of you may have noticed, a recent update from CrowdStrike has triggered widespread disruptions, causing chaos in various sectors.

Stephen WhitworthPicture of Stephen Whitworth

Stephen Whitworth

4 min read

Dear Customers, we couldn't have done it without you. With love,

We're over the moon to share our Summer 2024 accolades from G2, including snagging the #1 spot in their Relationship Index!

incident.ioPicture of

2 min read

Using AI to understand what sets apart from the competition

What happens when you take all of the reasons customers give you for choosing your product, and pump them into ChatGPT to find out what's working? We did just that, and the results are exactly as we hoped.

Chris EvansPicture of Chris Evans

Chris Evans

7 min read

Our simple-to-use incident post-mortem template

Incident post-mortems are a crucial document that cannot be glossed over. In this article, you’ll find our go-to post-mortem template that you can use in your own organization.

Chris EvansPicture of Chris Evans

Chris Evans

9 min read

Mastering the Sev0

With extreme pressure, high degrees of uncertainty, and high-stakes communication, handling a Sev0 is very different to other incidents.

Chris EvansPicture of Chris Evans

Chris Evans

8 min read

The importance of psychological safety in incident management

Incident management and psychological safety go hand-in-hand. Here's how you can promote a culture where folks feel seen, heard, and respected.

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8 min read

Practical lessons for AI-enabled companies

Recently, we went live with our very first set of AI-enabled features. Here are a few things we learned along the way.

Ed DeanPicture of Ed Dean

Ed Dean

8 min read
Live event recap: Humanizing the On-call experience

Live event recap: Humanizing the on-call experience

We recently hosted the live event On-call as it should be, present and future. Now, you can read the high-level overview in addition to watching the full recording.

incident.ioPicture of

7 min read

Recapping our live event: On-call as it should be, present and future

We recently hosted the live event On-call as it should be, present and future. Now, you can read the high-level overview in addition to watching the full recording.

incident.ioPicture of

6 min read

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