Why you need an internal status page
Status pages are commonplace for companies to communicate externally to customers. But how do internal stakeholders get internal-only information: internal status pages!
Isaac Seymour
What is an SRE? Understanding the responsibilities of this crucial function
Site reliability engineers are responsible for quite a bit, but one thing is clear—their role is critical. In this article, we break down everything you need to know about SREs and what they focus on.
Barcelona 2023 Company Offsite Recap
Last month, the team gathered for our second company offsite in sunny, oceanside Barcelona. Here's how it went.
Luis Gonzalez
Effective incident escalations
In the ever-evolving digital landscape, every organization must confront its fair share of incidents. Regardless of the sector or size, one common thread weaves through them all: the need for effective incident management. A crucial part of this management is incident escalation.
Chris Evans
Driving successful change: Understanding DORA's Change Failure Rate metric
By using DORA's change failure rate metric, organizations can highlight inefficiencies in deployment processes and prevent pesky incidents from repeating.
Luis Gonzalez
Service level indicators: 6 key metrics for effective incident management
In this article, I'll highlight six important SLI metrics that can help drive better incident management processes.
SLA vs KPI: Breaking down the differences, and similarities, of these important metrics
In this article, we'll lay out the differences between SLA and KPI, and explain how they impact performance management.
Luis Gonzalez
Synchronizing mental models
When everyone has their own mental model, it can hinder our ability to respond to incidents. Catalog creates a shared operational map, enabling faster decision-making, automated workflows, and an overall streamlined response process.
Chris Evans
Services are not special: Why Catalog is not just another service catalog
Catalog is much more than just another service catalog. In this post, I explain why and how.
Benji Sidi
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