Optimize your workflow with GitLab integration features
March 26, 2024
Export follow-ups to GitLab
In the heat of an incident, it can sometimes feel impossible to keep track of all the follow-ups you want to get done once the incident is resolved. In addition to our existing integrations with the likes of Jira, GitHub, Linear, and others, you can easily export your incident.io follow-ups to GitLab and manage them there.
Once exported, we'll continue to track and sync any changes back into incident.io. Additionally, if you’ve already got a GitLab ticket you’d like to associate with an incident.io follow-up, you can link those together using the GitLab issue reference.
Finally, GitLab is also supported in Catalog. This means you can connect GitLab resources to existing catalog entries (e.g. Team, User, or Service), and use these connected catalog in powerful automations using Workflows.
Attach GitLab Merge Requests to incidents
We now also support attaching GitLab MRs to incidents. Attachments connect something from another system, like GitLab, into incident.io, allowing you to easily keep track of the various bits required in your incident response
You can attach an MR with the /inc attach command from Slack, or simply post an MR link in an incident channel will attach it for you.
We’ve also got you covered on the GitLab side. We’ll automatically attach an MR to an incident if you mention the incident number in either the MR title or the source branch name.
These attachments are visible from the incident details page in the dashboard, so that you can easily keep track of them.
Custom and asymmetric on-call schedules
We know organisations have different needs when it comes to schedules and rotas, from splitting a week in two shifts to some team members wanting to do more shifts. We have now enabled you to:
1️⃣ Create flexible rotations between hours, days and weeks
2️⃣ Build asymmetric rotations with multiple intervals (i.e. 3 days then 4 days -shifts)
3️⃣ Add the same person to a rota multiple times to create double shifts if needed
🚀What else we’ve shipped
Add the ability to import a schedule during on-call initial setup
Show missing users when attempting to import schedules
If you're connected to multiple incident.io mobile apps, we'll list the last used one first
More gracefully handle 404s within the On-call section of the web dashboard
We’ve made the syncing schedules to Slack group entry point more visible within Schedules
When hovering over catalolg entry rows, now the whole row is highlighted
Dropdowns in the header of status page settings now correctly overlap the sidebar content
We now truncate long incident names in the incidents list view
Added explanation of what incident activity includes in auto-close and auto-archive settings
Disabled the 'Test workflow' action on workflows that aren't possible to test
Improved the layout of the incident learnings message
Updated Status Page Incident workflow steps to be consistent with setting optional components
We made it clearer that editing affected components in status pages won't link to existing updates
Improved messaging around what plans SAML is available on
Bug fixes
You will still be able to access alert sources for integrations that are broken
We will no longer display non-acknowledged escalations for resolved incidents in the app
Fixed quick parsing expressions when customizing the alert payload
Fixed filtering schedules that depend on removed external resources
Sanitized invalid characters coming from alert sources
Fixed an error trying to add a non-responder user to an On-call schedule if your organization is at its seat quota
Fixed a bug where we weren't always marking Jira integrations as broken
Fixed a bug where it wasn't possible to search on Jira fields when building a template
Fixed a bug where the declare form would render 'upside-down' in some versions of Firefox
Fixed a bug where you could be routed to a non-default internal status page if we didn't load the default status page data in time
Fixed a bug where a status update modal could be accessed for triage incidents, where you couldn't update the status
Fixed a bug where it showed Zendesk as still installed even though it was successfully disconnected
Fixed a bug that was incorrectly disabling/enabling status page creation buttons
Fixed some issues with tooltips displaying behind table headers and sidebars