We’ve raised $4.7 million from Index Ventures, Point Nine, and a host of incredible angels

We’re delighted to announce we’ve teamed up with Index Ventures and Point Nine to supercharge the next stage of growth and development at incident.io.
With the support of a number of angels, many of whom are customers too, we’re in the perfect position to deliver on our mission of world-class incident management for the whole organization 🚀
Winding back the clock
Winding back the clock, the three of us (that’s Stephen, Pete and Chris 👋) met at Monzo where we found ourselves in our fair share of incidents. It turns out banks are pretty complex beasts and, like literally every company, things go wrong all of the time. Whether it’s minor service outages, security issues, or overwhelmed support teams, incidents are an inevitable cost of doing business.

In the early days, Chris built a Slack integration to take some of the toil and burden off the engineers who were leading incidents. The tool became wildly popular, and whilst it started as something for engineers, it later became adopted by every corner of the organization.
We’d stumbled across something special. Unlike places we’d worked before, the incidents weren’t chaotic and stressful encounters falling solely on the shoulders of engineering, but they were positive experiences, places to learn, and an opportunity to build trust with customers.
Incident response isn’t a new concept, but companies today need more than is being offered by existing products in the space. Waking someone up is table stakes. What happens next is where the value is, and if you haven’t already developed your own tools to help, you’re probably reliant on the process document that tells you what to do. If that’s you, you’ve already lost the battle.
That’s how we arrived at incident.io. We believe every organization should have access to world-class incident response, and we’re building a product to make that possible.
With sensible defaults and the ability to imprint your own process, incident.io is a powerful command center for running an incident directly within Slack. We help you to automate your process, provide nudges to follow the right path, and put all of your data in your hands so you can extract every bit of value you’ve already paid for.

We’re building on all fronts
With the support of Index Ventures, Point Nine and our network of angels, we have everything we need to bring world-class incident management to every organization.
We’ve already bolstered the team with the arrival of two ex-GoCardless engineers, Lawrence Jones and Lisa Karlin Curtis, and have two new arrivals landing later this year. We’ve got a new office to call home (swing by and say hi!) and plans to fill it up over the next 18 months.
We’ve built strong foundations, and with the feedback of our incredible customers, we’ve refined our product to something that really works. We’ve seen organization-wide adoption, changes in attitude towards things going wrong and – dare we say it – cultural improvements as a result of folks using us.
There's plenty more to do though, both in responding to incidents, but also expanding our product offering. We want to be there to wake you up, supporting you through your entire response, and keep you in the loop until that final remediation is done.
We’ve spoken a lot about bringing our approach to the whole organization, but what does that mean in practice? We believe it looks like your Data Privacy Officer having confidence that the right decisions will be made when a breach is identified, your customer support team being able to seamlessly share what your customers are seeing and relay the information back to them in real time, and your execs being fully up-to-speed when they’re drafted in to help make a decision.
Incidents aren’t just for engineering, and we’re going to prove it.

I'm one of the co-founders and the Chief Product Officer of incident.io.