After a few weeks of enjoying the sun and being a lady of leisure, the day finally came for me to start with the incident.io team.
Day one at incident involves all new starters having breakfast together, which was a great way to meet the team and other new starters. Arriving at the office after breakfast we were shown to our desks and our new laptops with incident.io swag (thanks Lucy - who joined on the same day as me - for the 🔥 desk picture).

We then began our onboarding sessions; after starting my previous role during lockdown it was refreshing to have these sessions face to face and not behind a screen.
Onboarding sessions completed, we were welcomed to an amazing team lunch with everyone (shout out to our amazing office manager Charlotte for getting this set up). With the afternoon to ourselves it was time for some 1:1’s with the team and understanding more about what my role would entail here at incident.
A highlight from the first week involved a real life incident: my first fire alarm 🧯. After going through the usual questions of “is it a test?”, “do we leave our stuff” etc. and 20 minutes of sitting out in the sun, we were finally allowed back into the building.
This resulted in a completely new incident: with a massive queue for the lifts, we decided to take the stairs and climb our way to the 9th floor. After feeling like we had climbed Everest (one of our colleagues is currently climbing Kilimanjaro 🏔️, so can probably relate) we all made it safely back to our desk (albeit just a little out of breath).

With the great weather we’ve been having, we took advantage and headed out on Thursday evening for a game of rounders. Five minutes into the game I realised that this was not going to be a friendly game but a battle to be the best team 💪. After finishing the game, we headed over to the pub to enjoy the rest of the sunshine.

Friday brought the end of my first official week at incident.io and what a week it was. From getting stuck in with the Talent Operations work on my third day, to meeting different members of the company, the week flew by (and was made even better by the talent team taking me for lunch on Friday, to officially welcome me into the team). The week was wrapped up with team time, which involves each department discussing what they achieved each week and what they would like to achieve in the next week, along with shoutouts to particular team members. This session was a great end to the week allowing me to me to learn even more about what everyone in the business has been up to.
No first week in a role is the same and after my first week at incident.io I couldn’t be more excited to come back on Monday and do it all again! 🥳