Welcome to Behind the Flame, a series created to showcase our incidentios.
Meet Navo Das, Data Analyst here at incident.io.
Q: What has been your favorite incident.io memory?
One of the Tasty Data Morsels that I presented at an All Hands meeting, where I went through everyone's food preferences for the Christmas social. I think that was one of the more entertaining All Hands sessions that occurred.
Q: What is your favorite benefit?
Unsurprisingly, it's the last Friday of every month that we get off. It's an amazing way to relax, have some extra time, and catch up on things that you need to get done.
Q: What is the value that most resonates with you?
A mixture of Find a way and Trust by default. I think they go hand-in-hand because you're given the autonomy and responsibility here to just go ahead and do things as you best see fit, which aligns with my preferred way of working.
Q: What is your favorite Slack channel?
#coffee-rorschachs. We all went through a phase with our new coffee machine where we would post pictures of our latte art and see what we could interpret from each other's flat whites and cappuccinos.
Q: What is one piece of advice you'd give yourself on your first day?
Take it slow and take it all in. Things move super fast and there’s a lot of information to pick up when you're starting a new job. Take your time to really understand how the different teams work, how the product works, and kind of what the overall vision and goal for the company is.
Q: What advice would you give to candidates interviewing?
It sounds a little bit cliché, but it’s to just be yourself. We're really interested in understanding how you would approach and solve problems and whether culturally it aligns with the way that we like to work at incident.io.
Q: How would you describe the culture in three words?
Fast-paced (as one hyphenated word!), ambitious and fun.
Q: What incident.io employee would you like to be stuck in a lift with?
It would have to be Anna Hosey, our Office Coordinator–she is a bundle of fun and even if I was stuck in there for six hours she would keep the entertainment coming.
Q: What does the last Friday of the month mean to you?
I always tend to book a massage for the last Friday of the month because I can do it during the day when everyone else is at work. It’s a nice way to end a busy and productive month with some relaxation.
Q: What are you most looking forward to in the future of incident.io?
We are starting to hit our stride in terms of being able to unlock new growth levers and areas for expansion. I'm super excited to broaden our addressable market and start selling to everyone.
Q: What is something that you are proud to have worked on?
The customer health score that I built during my first couple of months at incident.io. It's something that's now a fundamental part of the business, how the Customer Success, Product, and Sales teams engage with customers and have a better understanding of how they're using our product.
Q: What is it like being a part of the Data team?
Super fun and super varied. As part of the Data team, you work with stakeholders all across the organization, so no two days are the same. That's kind of the appeal of the job because you get to work directly with people and see the analysis that you provide get used almost immediately. So, super interesting and super fulfilling.
Q: What is something that surprised you when you joined incident.io?
How involved the Engineering team is with Data. Coming from my previous companies, Data had to do a lot of the initial heavy lifting, whereas here the handoff between Engineering and Data is a lot more seamless. Engineers contribute to the dbt repo and it's just such a benefit for someone working on the data side of things to have that close collaboration.
Q: If you were to work on another team for the day, what team would you want to work in?
Customer Support, as a way to better understand what kind of questions and issues our customers run into.
Q: How would you describe the day-to-day as a Data Analyst?
Sounds super cliche to say it, but every day is different; however, there are common themes. You'll have some well-defined projects, as well as a need to scope longer-term projects with specific stakeholders. As someone who works primarily with the commercial side of the business, I'll either have some dashboards or reports to work on in collaboration with Sales, Marketing, or Customer Success, as well as ad hoc data support for questions that come in from customers. In addition to that, there's general data housekeeping, to keep the data for the company clean, reliable, and up to date. So overall a broad variety of things.
Q: How would your friends and family describe what you do for a living?
I've asked my Mom this before: she thinks that we're the people who are resolving incidents. I keep having to remind her, “No, no, no, I'm actually not helping resolve the incidents at all. I'm kind of like helping people coordinate a response if that makes sense.” I think people just hear incidents and think, okay, you're fixing it.