Hi! I'm the newest engineer to join the team at incident.io 👋. I'm bringing my web expertise (and massive collection of custom Slack emoji) fresh from being a senior web engineer and Web Discipline Lead at Monzo, where over the past three years I've built everything from web banking for business customers to internal tooling for customer services. Before I left I was Tech Lead on the Business Banking "Get Paid" project, allowing business customers to get paid quickly and easily via shareable links.
I'm passionate about accessibility – as our web app evolves I'm going to make sure we build something that's accessible and intuitive for everyone.
Outside of work, I love to make music and bake tasty treats. I'm part of SHE Choir London, a volunteer-run choir - we've sung on BBC Woman's Hour, and my proudest moment was when we sang my arrangement of Imogen Heap's "Hide and Seek" for an event celebrating female composers 🎶
Visit my website localghost.dev for a bit more about me and to see the rest of my blog posts, or find me on Twitter at @type__error. Or check out the Emojinator which is both my proudest and stupidest creation. I can't promise we'll build it into incident.io, but a girl can dream.