Lessons from 4 years of weekly changelogs
Writing a meaningful update for customers every week has been held sacred at incident.io since we started the company. We've written over 200 of them in the past 4 years, and we recently celebrated going 2 years straight without missing a single a single week 🚀. Learn how we do it!
Pete Hamilton
Gearing up for LeadDev London 2023!
We're buzzing with excitement as we prepare for a return to LeadDev here in London. Not only are we sponsoring the event (and the real-time captioning) but two of our team (Alicia and Lisa) are speaking this year! Catch us there 27th & 28th June 2023.
Pete Hamilton
Trust shouldn’t start at zero
Whenever someone new joins your team, folks tend to default to a trust level of zero. Here's why that's a big mistake.
Pete Hamilton
One, Two, Skip a Few...
The other day, we started getting strange reports from some customers of incident.io. Their incident identifiers — unique numbers to identify each incident — appeared to have jumped unexpectedly.
Pete Hamilton
Our engineering interview process
Interviews can seem mysterious, but they don't need to be! We're sharing each interview we do, why we do it, who you'll speak to, how we run it and tips on how to prepare.
Pete Hamilton