Restricted Incident Types

Weekly Update

For certain incident types, such as Security incidents, you may want to restrict which users in your organisation can declare or accept them so that you can guard against automations you have set up from being triggered by mistake. To support this, when configuring an incident type, you now have the option to restrict declaration and acceptance to certain users.

When these restrictions are applied, users without permissions will only be able to declare incidents of these types in Triage (learn more about triage incidents here). These incidents cannot be made into live incidents by anyone who does not have explicit permission.

We want to ensure that it’s still easy for users in your organization to declare incidents when they need to, so you’re not able to set restrictions on your default incident type.

🚀What else we’ve shipped

  • 🆕 It's now possible to manually select which sub-pages a status page incident is published onto
  • 👷‍♂️ You can now have up to 50 sub pages for a parent status page
  • 💅 We’ve added some guidance on emailing internal groups from workflow steps
  • 💅 It’s now clearer that links in policy report emails are clickable
  • 💅 We now correctly align buttons in the floating footer of the incident types settings page
  • 🐛 Fixed a bug where actions and follow-ups would sometimes show as unassigned although there was an owner
  • 🐛 Fixed a bug where syncing incidents to Jira failed when the summary contained bullet points
  • 🐛 We now truncate alert summaries in welcome messages so they don't exceed the Slack character limit
  • 🐛 We now handle special characters in attachment titles when generating links to attachments
  • 🐛 We now correctly show whether timestamps are optional or required in forms in the dashboard
  • 🐛 Show validation error when saving a select-type custom field with no options
  • 🐛 We no longer allow setting multiple filters on the same field when filtering incidents
  • 🐛 We no longer break query expressions if you change the expression return type
  • 🐛 Fixed a bug where a user couldn't resend a subscription email
  • 🐛 HTML meta tags are now status page sub-page aware
  • 🐛 Your status page updates now handle newlines correctly

Modern incident management, built for humans