First look: behind the scenes building an AI incident responder.
First look: behind the scenes building an AI incident responder.
July 11, 2024
Around a month ago we released Smart escalation paths, which allows you to create rules on when to escalate based on alert priority and working hours. We have now added a few more features to ensure you get the right visibility for alerts that are important, while also ensuring your team members share the paging load. These features are:
You can now share the pager load by rotating between people within each escalation with a Round Robin, which allows you to distribute the pages more fairly amongst the team.
You can also cycle within one level easily via the UI to ensure someone from that team will acknowledge. Just choose ‘Cycle responders’ and choose the time before moving to the next person in the cycle.
Get the right visibility for your alerts and escalate to Slack directly. Anyone in that Slack channel will be able to acknowledge the page and start looking at the issue. You can add a Slack escalation at any point of your escalation path and also without delays, so you can at the same time page someone else, i.e., from a schedule.
You can ensure you get the right eyes on the right incident immediately. You can adjust your configuration to page everyone at the same time in a schedule or your selection of people. We will then page everyone at the same time within that level. For example, when a major incident happens, you could page all staff engineers at the same time to ensure a rapid response with the right knowledge.