Alert timeline

Weekly Update

Alert Sources and Alert Routes enable you to receive alerts from external systems and automatically create incidents and/or escalations. While there are several powerful ways to interact with your alerts, it can be hard to keep track of them when you're receiving many at once.

This week, we've added a new timeline view to the alert details page, giving you a bird's eye view of how your alert was routed in Now you can see details like:

  • How an alert was grouped with other alerts based on time windows and attributes like Team or Service.
  • Whether the alert created an escalation with a grace period—a useful way to avoid repeatedly notifying someone who's already responding to an incident.
  • If the alert automatically created an incident, or if it created one later because someone marked the alert as unrelated to its original incident(s).
  • When an alert resolves and how it was resolved: by the upstream alert source, manually by a user, or automatically when an associated incident was declined.

🚀 What else we’ve shipped

🆕 You can now escalate an incident through PagerDuty, Opsgenie, and other providers directly from an incident's dashboard page.

🐛 Fixed a bug where the override date header would sometimes show incorrect dates when viewed in a timezone different from the schedule's timezone.

🐛 You can now use working hours conditions for the time to acknowledge in the last level of an escalation path.

💅 We no longer show the 'Declare an incident' toggle when escalating from an incident's dashboard page.

💅 Improved handling of large imports in the catalog-importer.

🐛 Fixed an issue that prevented admins from creating custom insights dashboards.

🐛 We now show who completed a post-incident task to set incident timestamps.

💅 You'll be notified if you can't connect a schedule to a Slack user group because the name is already in use.

💅 Made small improvements to the Android navigation tab bar.

💅 We'll stop showing the Dashboard attribute for alert sources where we don't automatically set the external dashboard URL.

🐛 Improved the suggestions for expressions in your alert attributes.

🐛 Fixed a bug where navigating back from creating an alert source would incorrectly return you to your alerts configuration instead of the alert route.

🐛 The on-call status pill on your schedule will now automatically refresh when updated, rather than requiring a manual refresh.

🐛 Fixed a bug where clicking on an existing override would lead to creating a new one instead of editing it.

🐛 Fixed a bug where clicking "Connect to HTTP" in the alert source list would not pre-select the HTTP alert source if you'd already searched for another keyword.

Modern incident management, built for humans