First look: behind the scenes building an AI incident responder.

Live-reloading dashboard and incident homepage

December 28, 2022

Dashboard homepage

We've re-worked the dashboard homepage to be more dynamic and welcoming for both observers and responders alike!

The top section has been completely reworked to give you a powerful overview of incidents happening in your organization. With one click, you'll be able to quickly subscribe to incidents you are interested in without having to leave the home view. If you want to dive into an incident's details you can click on a card and be taken to the incident homepage where you can learn more about it.

The page will also keep itself up to date, refetching the latest data (both new incidents as well as updates to existing incidents) every 30 seconds. New incidents and updates to existing ones will be highlighted briefly. You can also manually trigger a refetch by clicking the refresh icon.

👀 We've also added a small christmas present for you in the header. No matter where you are in the world, you'll get some December snow on ❄️

Incident homepage

The incident homepage has also had a reskin, which optimises for more information density without compromising digestibility. A new tab for incident updates has been added, cutting through timeline noise so you can get up to speed quickly.

Just like the dashboard homepage, we've also added live-reloading capability to fetch the latest view of an incident.

🚀 What else did we ship?

Over the holiday period, we thought we’d focus on the little things:


  • More granular control over which PagerDuty incidents trigger auto-create in


  • Improved mobile navigation by adding scrolling to long menus
  • Follow-up policy violation notifications in the dashboard will now navigate you to the Follow-ups tab on the relevant incident
  • Gracefully handle when we can't auto-create an incident channel due to Slack permissions
  • Improved handling of expired authentication for Notion integration
  • Improved Follow-ups layout on different screen sizes
  • Improved formatting and styling of incident subscription email notifications
  • Added a hint in incident summary text field that it supports markdown
  • 👷🏽‍♀️ Made the PagerDuty auto-create incident configuration page much faster for organizations with lots of PagerDuty services
  • 👷🏽‍♀️ Improved reliability of our Jira and Confluence integration when handling errors from Atlassian's API
  • 👷🏽‍♀️ Improved reliability of Jira Ticket sync for private incidents

Bug fixes

  • Fixed pagination when fetching Linear teams and users
  • Fixed Insights email not showing Month-on-Month changes for "Incidents by severity"
  • Fixed bug where clicking on notification in dashboard for incident, doesn't scroll down to the entry in the timeline
  • Updating your statuspage will now always update the incident Slack channel bookmarks
  • Added validation to timezone and country code used for Policy report schedules
  • Replaced slack:// with https:// for postmortems exported to Notion to avoid a broken Notion page
  • Declaring an incident via web will correctly hide custom fields based on custom fields display settings

Ready to move fast when things break?