First look: behind the scenes building an AI incident responder.

Retrospective incidents, post-mortem policies & policy reports

September 6, 2022

Retrospective incidents

You can now declare an incident after it has happened. You can choose whether we announce it (to avoid worrying folks unecessarily) and, even if we do, we'll make it clear that it's a retrospective incident.

This means that, even if the event wasn't identified as an incident at the time, you can still include it in your reporting, and use to drive your post-incident processes.

To declare your first retrospective incident, head to the web UI and click 'Declare incident' (or go straight to

Post-mortem policies

Fed up of no-one writing post-mortems? You can now create a policy which specifies which incidents should always have a post-mortem.

If an incident does not comply with the policy, we'll notify the incident channel and display the policy violation on the incident homepage.

Policy reports

You can now set up a report to receive regular updates about the policies you implement directly to a Slack channel. This helps you stay on top of how you’re doing complying with your policies, and regularly reminds folks to complete their follow-ups, or write their post-mortems!

When you view a policy in the web UI, we'll show you (in real time) any incidents that are not compliant.

What else we shipped


  • Web: We display custom fields more compactly, and you can edit them all in one go from the web UI
  • Web: We've polished the header section of the incident homepage, to make it clearer
  • 🚀 Policies is now generally available (for anyone on our Enterprise package!)

Bug fixes

  • Fix bug where it would look like someone revoked their own access on the timeline (when they hadn't!)
  • Fixed an issue where our rich text editor would incorrectly grab focus

Ready to move fast when things break?