Quick re-actions

Weekly Update

Incidents are a team sport, and to help everyone get involved we built incident actions. With a quick /inc action in Slack, anyone can view, create, and pick up actions, making it easy for folks to self organise around whatever needs to be done to get things back on track.

We got some feedback that the actions interface in Slack could be a little clearer though, for example the layout was a little cluttered and it wasn't easy to see who created what. We've now refined the design and tweaked what we display so it's even easier to get a clear picture of what's going on.

Got thoughts on this or any other part of incident.io? Jump into our community Slack and let us know!

What we shipped

  • 🆕 We want the trial experience to be super low friction, which is why we don't ask for a credit card up front. To save us personally nudging folks at the end of their trial, we now show you when you're close to the end, or over your trial period.
  • 💅 The actions modal has been given a little overhaul. We've simplified the layout so it's easier to see what's going on, and we now show who created open items so you can ask them for more details if needed.
  • 💅 If you typed /incident help from outside an incident channel, we used to open the create incident modal with an incident title of "help". You were probably after some actual help, so we now show you modal with some tips. Thanks 100/x for this feedback!
  • 💅 When you joined an in-progress incident, we used prepend the summary with "All systems go in here!". On reflection, this wasn't the clearest language when your systems often weren't going. We're a little less ambiguous now.
  • 💅 We now support typeahead search in the Escalations modal. You can now filter to find the person or escalation policy you're after.
  • 💅 We used to show PagerDuty users and escalation policies in a non-deterministic order. That wasn't especially nice, so we now show them in a consistent order.
  • 💅 We new prompt you to provide an incident update if you haven't done so for a while. Keeping folks on the same page is important, and we know how easy it is to forget.
  • 💅 We've spruced up our login flow, so it's no longer just a lonely login button on a blank screen(!). It's had some design applied, and we explain what people in your organization will be asked for and why.
  • Links to the incident homepage now automatically embed the teamID wherever we can, so logging in with slack auto-fills to the right workspace. This helps people avoid accidentally signing into the wrong one, something we've seen bite a few of you!
  • 👷🏽‍♀️ We've improved how we poll PagerDuty for updates. This means we need to do less work, and we're also a little less trigger-happy with the PagerDuty API. It's nice to be considerate.
  • 👷🏽‍♀️ We've made some reliability improvements in the way we run concurrent code in the app. We'll spare you the nerdy details, but things are much more resilient as a result.
  • 🐛 If you had more than 100 components configured in Statuspage.io, we'd fail to render them in our Slack modal. All sorted now; create components to your heart's content!
  • 🐛 If you pinned a Slack message from a bot, we'd fail to put add it to the incident timeline. All sorted now - pin away!
  • 🐛 We use content security policies in our front end, to keep things safe and secure. We were being slightly too secure with our shiny new Intercom chat, which meant some functionality was broken. We've fixed that - feel free to give it a try and say hello 👋

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