We've been getting tonnes of great feedback from our early access customers this week. We also said hello to 4 new ones. 👋🏼
Incidents can be fairly stressful, so the fact so many of you not only fixed your own bugs, but also helped us find and fix a few of ours is something we're incredibly grateful for.
We've been spending a bit of time thinking about how we can best share some of the longer term thinking we've been doing on what's coming next. This week we're really excited to launch our incident.io product roadmap, which lets you get a view into what we're up to.
There are upsides and downsides to sharing a product roadmap publicly, but we believe pretty strongly that:
- Unless there's a strong reason not to, we'd prefer to default to transparency.
- We're building this product with you, our customers, and we'll work better together if you can see what we're up to.
- The feedback is clear, and we've got high conviction in what our customers want, so we're happy to write it down and talk about it openly.
We'll keep on shipping plenty of changes, improvements and fixes every week, but we'll use this as a way to keep you updated on some of the "big stuff" as it takes shape — enjoy!
What we shipped
- You told us not having your emoji in the timeline was practically criminal. We wholeheartedly agree. They now render right there in the timeline.
- You told us our Slack topics weren't, well, topical. We've revamped them so they're much snappier, and show much more useful information.
- You asked for more nudges, so we've added a few for updating the incident summary and updating the status page which pop up after ~30 minutes or so.
- We've added whereby as a recognised call provider.
- When you ask for a status update, we now also give you the option to edit the incident directly from the message.
- Incident timelines now show a lot more useful information, which is great, but you told us they were starting to feel a little squished. They now have much more room to shine.
- Lots more incident information is now available tthrough the dashboard. Links to the Slack channel, any ongoing incident calls and more.
- Postmortem documents you generate automatically link back to the incident homepage.
- 👷🏽♀️ We launched a system to process events asynchronously (we use Google Pub/Sub, if you're interested). This means we can be more robust to failure, and automatically retry when things go south.
- Our Content Security Policy headers were occasionally butting heads with the Avatar URLs Slack was returning. Your face should be smiling back at you in the nav bar once again.
- Unpinned items no longer appear on the timeline.