
Dear Customers, we couldn't have done it without you. With love,

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We’re excited and honored (and might even be blushing a little) to share our Summer 2024 accolades from G2, including being ranked #1 in G2’s Relationship Index!

There are several factors that go into determining this ranking, including:

  • Customers' reported ease of doing business with the seller
  • Customers' satisfaction with the product's quality of support
  • Customers' likelihood to recommend each product
  • The number of reviews received on G2

While all of these awards are special to us, Best Relationship means a lot because, well, our customers mean a lot. They’re at the forefront of everything we do and are ultimately the core of why we set out to make in the first place: to make people’s lives easier when dealing with incidents.

Our customers aren’t just deals or numbers. We take pride in forming relationships, building connections, and celebrating milestones when we can. Whether it’s a special Slack emoji, custom fire trucks, or even sending nail polish to celebrate a customer’s job promotion, we’re always looking for ways to make things magic.

When Alex from Planview was promoted to Staff Engineer (at least partially due to his work on Operational excellence with incident management), we surprised him with a gift to his office.

We can’t build an awesome product without awesome customers, and an amazing Customer Service team that goes above and beyond every single day. From the bottom of our hearts (and our keyboards), we’d like to extend a sincere thank you to everyone who took the time to leave us a review.

What else does it mean to win Best Relationship for the second time this year? We asked our Customer Success team what it meant for each of them.

Having a close partnership with our customers at means they see us as their team. This deep connection enables us to grasp their use cases thoroughly, accelerating our ability to come up with creative solutions. On the rare occasion that issues arise, I consistently encounter understanding and trust from our customers that we'll resolve matters quickly. Knowing they have trust in both our product and team makes me very happy!

Herbert Gutierrez, Technical Support Engineer

Herbert Gutierrez, Technical Support Engineer

We don't see the companies who use our platform as "deals", "upsell opportunities" or even just "customers". We see them as partners in our product and business but most importantly as people. This means we take the time to get to know them - their hobbies, their family, their passions, their humor. What makes them, or their team, or their company tick! We value their ideas and strive to make their experience with us effortless. Because we're not in the business of selling a product, we're in the business of making a person's life easier. It's through this human-centric lens that we develop lasting relationships sprinkled with magic moments from onboarding to technical support to adoption to product releases to renewal.

Eryn Carman, Customer Success Manager

Eryn Carman, Customer Success Manager

It makes me very happy how close the partnership between Customer Success and Product is at, it's something quite hard to achieve in my experience, and the impact of this is truly felt by our customers. Over the last quarter, we’ve helped many organizations achieve their goals; one that stood out in particular was helping Intercom level up their external communications and go live with their Status Page in fairly tight timelines. There were a few product dependancies, and we went from gathering the requirements to shipping the new product functionality in a matter of days 🎉

Georgie Dorling, Customer Success Manager

Georgie Dorling, Customer Success Manager

It's been fantastic to win Best Relationship for the second time this year; it really highlights all the work both our Product, Engineering and Customer Success Teams do to ensure maximum success for our customers and our champions. From visiting our customers for in-person training, to figuring out any thorny technical issues, our team supports our customers the entire way.

Lucy Jennings, Customer Success Manager

Lucy Jennings, Customer Success Manager

It’s a real privilege to be part of a company that views its customers as an extension of its own. This recognition underscores the true partnership we strive to cultivate, and being honoured for the second consecutive time this year is incredibly special. I’ve been interacting with customers for most of my life, and it’s genuinely rare to encounter such a deep and authentic connection. This award is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our entire team, as well as the trust and collaboration from our incredible customers. Together, we’re building something truly special.

George Mabey, Technical Support Engineer

George Mabey, Technical Support Engineer

You can view all of our G2 reviews here.

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Modern incident management, built for humans